Reisgids Culture Smart! Portugal | Kuperard


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De Cultuur Bewust!-gids geeft toeristen en zakenlieden belangrijke informatie met betrekking tot de cultuur van alledag in het land van bestemming. Anders dan in de gebruikelijke reisgidsen wordt de lezer in deze reeks bijgespijkerd op het gebied van omgangsvormen, normen en waarden, hoe zich te gedragen en wat verwacht mag worden op zakelijk en sociaal gebied. Het zijn beknopte zakformaatgidsen met interessante wetenswaardigheden over het dagelijks leven. Een must voor iedereen die naar het buitenland gaat voor vakantie, studie of werk.
Don’t just see the sights-get to know the people.
Legend has it that when Caesar’s general arrived on Portuguese soil in the first century CE, he claimed to have discovered a country blessed with a mild climate and a beautiful coastline, but whose inhabitants were ungoverned and ungovernable. Today, the Portuguese are still impulsive, set in their ways, and resistant to change, yet they are ever charming, romantic, and nostalgic, with an unshakable loyalty toward family and friends.
Culture Smart! Portugal takes you beneath the surface of this fascinating country and shows you how to blend in and make the most of your visit. In these pages, you will gain insight into Portuguese priorities and learn how to tap into a helpful and resourceful nature that is often overlooked by the casual visitor. Beneath a sometimes vociferous manner, the Portuguese are laid-back and gentle, so slacken your pace, put away your watch, and enjoy the rich meals, lively festivals, and ancient traditions of this great land.
Have a more meaningful and successful time abroad through a better understanding of the local culture. Chapters on values, attitudes, customs, and daily life will help you make the most of your visit, while tips on etiquette and communication will help you navigate unfamiliar situations and avoid faux pas.


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