Uitgebreide vogelgids van IJsland met veel foto’s, een verspreidingskaart en een goede gedetailleerde beschrijving van de soort. Voor- en achterzijde voorzien van plastic, handig in regenachtige omstandigheden.
Language: English, contains a multilingual list of bird names in the back, giving bird names in English, Latin, Icelandic, German, Faroese, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Dutch, Italian, French, and Spanish
This second edition of the popular Icelandic Bird Guide has been completely revised and expanded. It covers all Icelandic breeding birds and regular visitors in detail and also describes numerous annual vagrants – more than 160 species in total.
Icelandic Bird Guide is an ideal identification guide when travelling around Iceland for experienced birdwatchers and beginners alike. The clear and concise text describes the birds’ appearance and behaviour, as well their diet and habitat. Maps and diagrams clearly show distribution, movements and population sizes. It also includes photographs of eggs shown in actual size.
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