Prettig lichtgewicht gidsje met alle kaarten van de route op gedetailleerd nivo en de basisinformatie voor de route. Voor de wandelaar een goed alternatief voor de wat zwaardere meer uitgebreide gidsen.
Fully updated for 2025! This Village to Village Map Guide to the Camino Portugués is a lightweight minimalist guidebook to walking the Way of Saint James from Lisbon and Porto to Santiago de Compostela on the Camino Portugués. The Camino Portugués traverses Portugal with options to remain inland on the traditional Central Route or explore the coast on the newer Coastal route, including the Variante Espiritual! New for 2025 – information on the Fátima route including free GPS tracks for download.
This map guide to the Camino Portugués provides walking information for over 1100km of the Camino Portugués on the Coastal, Central, Senda Litoral, Variante Espiritual and Fátima routes:
– Full-color detailed topographical stage maps of each day’s walk with free GPS files online
– Updated detailed accommodations listings for pilgrim and private lodging including contact information,amenities and approximate prices
– 124 detailed stage, city and town maps and elevation profiles including town amenities such as ATM,pharmacy, grocery store, etc.
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